- template <class T> inline void Array<T> readFrom (istream &in)
- template <class T> inline void Matrix<T> readFrom (istream &in)
- typedef map<string, Node*>::value_type nodeEntry
- typedef map<string, _NodeFactory*>::value_type factoryEntry
- inline bool isValidType (istream &in, string expectedType, bool binary=false)
- template <class T> inline ostream & operator << (ostream &out, const RCPtr<T> &ref)
- template <class T> inline ostream & operator << (ostream &out, const vector<T> &v)
- template <class T> inline ostream & operator << (ostream &out, const vector<T*> &v)
- template <class T> inline istream & operator >> (istream &in, vector<T> &v)
- template <class T> inline istream & operator >> (istream &in, vector<T*> &v)
- inline bool isValidType (istream &in, string expectedType, bool binary)
- template <class T> inline istream & operator >> (istream &in, RCPtr<T> &o)
- template <class T> inline istream & operator >> (istream &in, T* &o)
- void overflowInitialize (void)
- void overflowInitializeNoDL (void)
- void * overflowLoadDocument (char *filename)
- int overflowProcessAudioFile (void *vdoc, char **argv, int *length, int *nbFeatures, float **data)
- void * overflowNewNetwork (void *vdoc, char **argv)
- int overflowProcessFrame (void *vnet, float *in, int inLength, float **out, int *outLength)
- int overflowProcessFrame2 (void *vnet, float *in, int inLength, float *out, int outLength)
- void destroyNetwork (void *vnet)
- void destroyDocument (void *vdoc)
- int version_check (const char *vers, const char *abi_vers, const char *unused_vers=NULL)
- static int dummy_version_check
- extern float [FLOGLOOKUP2SIZE] logtable2
- inline void build_flog_table ()
- inline float flog (float f)
- inline void fflogv (const float *fin, float *fout, int len)
- extern float [FEXPSIZE] exptable
- inline void build_fexp_table ()
- inline float fexp (float f)
- inline void prefetchnta (void *ptr)
- inline void prefetcht0 (void *ptr)
- inline void prefetcht1 (void *ptr)
- inline void prefetcht2 (void *ptr)
- inline void emms ()
- inline void prefetchnta (void *ptr)
- inline void prefetcht0 (void *ptr)
- inline void prefetcht1 (void *ptr)
- inline void prefetcht2 (void *ptr)
- inline void emms ()
- inline void prefetchnta (void *ptr)
- inline void prefetcht0 (void *ptr)
- inline void prefetcht1 (void *ptr)
- inline void prefetcht2 (void *ptr)
- inline void emms ()
- template <class T> T & max (T &a, T &b)
- inline int max (int a, int b)
- inline float max (float a, float b)
- template <class T> T & min (T &a, T &b)
- inline int min (int a, int b)
- inline float min (float a, float b)
- template <class T> inline T sqr (T x)
- template <class T> inline T abs (T x)
- template<int M2> inline int _log2 (int i)
- inline int log2 (int i)
- inline float gauss_rand (float sd)
- typedef NetCType<int> Int
- typedef NetCType<float> Float
- typedef NetCType<double> Double
- typedef NetCType<bool> Bool
- extern ObjectRef TrueObject
- extern ObjectRef FalseObject
- istream & operator >> (istream &in, String &str)
- inline ObjectRef operator+ (ObjectRef x, ObjectRef y)
- inline ObjectRef operator- (ObjectRef x, ObjectRef y)
- inline ObjectRef operator* (ObjectRef x, ObjectRef y)
- inline ObjectRef operator/ (ObjectRef x, ObjectRef y)
- DEFINE_DOUBLE_VTABLE (smallerVtable)
- inline ObjectRef operator< (ObjectRef x, ObjectRef y)
- inline ObjectRef operator> (ObjectRef x, ObjectRef y)
- inline ObjectRef operator== (ObjectRef x, ObjectRef y)
- inline ObjectRef max (ObjectRef x, ObjectRef y)
- inline ObjectRef min (ObjectRef x, ObjectRef y)
- inline ObjectRef concat (ObjectRef x, ObjectRef y)
- vector<string> envList (char *envName, bool include_home=true)
- void scanDL (bool debug=false)
- typedef struct pseudosem_t
- inline void pseudosem_init (pseudosem_t *sem, int dummy, int _val)
- inline void pseudosem_destroy (pseudosem_t *sem)
- inline void pseudosem_wait (pseudosem_t *sem)
- inline void pseudosem_post (pseudosem_t *sem)
- typedef int spinlock_t
- inline void spinlock_init (spinlock_t *spin)
- inline void spinlock_lock (spinlock_t *spin)
- inline void spinlock_unlock (spinlock_t *spin)
- typedef pthread_mutex_t spinlock_t
- struct TypeTraits <RCPtr<T> >
- struct TypeTraits <T*>
- template <class T> inline void vec_copy (const T *x, T *y, int len)
- template <class T> inline T vec_inner_prod (const T *a, const T *b, int len)
- template <class T> inline void vec_add_vec (const T *a, const T *b, T *c, int len)
- template <class T> inline void vec_sub_vec (const T *a, const T *b, T *c, int len)
- template <class T> inline void vec_mul_vec (const T *a, const T *b, T *c, int len)
- template <class T> inline void vec_mul_and_add (const T *a, const T *b, T *c, int len)
- template <class T> inline void vec_mul_and_add (const T a, const T *b, T *c, int len)
- template <class T> inline void vec_div_vec (const T *a, const T *b, T *c, int len)
- template <class T> inline void vec_add_scal (const T a, const T *b, T *c, int len)
- template <class T> inline void vec_mul_scal (const T a, const T *b, T *c, int len)
- template <class T> inline T vec_dist2 (const T *a, const T *b, int len)
- template <class T> inline T vec_mahalanobis2 (const T *a, const T *b, const T *c, int len)
- template <class T> inline T vec_sum (const T *a, int len)
- template <class T> inline T vec_norm2 (const T *a, int len)
- template <class T> inline void vec_inv (const T *a, T *b, int len)
- template <class T> inline void vec_sqrt (const T *a, T *b, int len)
- template <class T> inline void vec_corr_cont (const T *a, T *filt, T *out, int len, int filtLen)
- template <class T> inline void vec_conv_cont (const T *a, T *filt, T *out, int len, int filtLen)
- inline float vec_inner_prod_float (const float *a, const float *b, int len)
- inline float vec_inner_prod_3dnow (const float *a, const float *b, int len)
- inline void vec_add_vec_3dnow (const float *a, const float *b, float *c, int len)
- inline void vec_sub_vec_3dnow (const float *a, const float *b, float *c, int len)
- inline void vec_mul_vec_3dnow (const float *a, const float *b, float *c, int len)
- inline void vec_add_scal_3dnow (const float a, const float *b, float *c, int len)
- inline void vec_mul_scal_3dnow (const float a, const float *b, float *c, int len)
- inline float vec_dist_3dnow (const float *a, const float *b, int len)
- inline float vec_mahalanobis_3dnow (const float *a, const float *b, const float *c, int len)
- inline float vec_sum_3dnow (const float *a, int len)
- inline float vec_norm2_3dnow (const float *a, int len)
- inline void vec_inv_3dnow (const float *a, float *b, int len)
- inline void vec_sqrt_3dnow (const float *a, float *b, int len)
- inline void vec_mul_and_add_sse (const float a, const float *b, float *c, int len)
- inline float vec_inner_prod_sse (const float *a, const float *b, int len)
- inline float vec_mahalanobis2_mul4_sse (const float *a, const float *b, const float *c, int len)
- inline float vec_dist2_mul4_sse (const float *a, const float *b, int len)
typedef void * DL_HANDLE_TYPE
#include <data-flow/include/DLManager.h>
The pointer to library type (OS dependent)
#include <data-flow/include/DLManager.h>
How to open a library
#include <data-flow/include/DLManager.h>
How to search for a specific symbol
#include <data-flow/include/DLManager.h>
How to close a library
typedef map<string, Node*>::value_type nodeEntry |
#include <data-flow/include/Node.h>
Definition of the type we need for the dictionaries
#include <data-flow/include/Object.h>
Smart pointer to Object called ObjectRef
template<class T> int ObjectaddObjectType (const string &objType, _ObjectFactory *factory)
#include <data-flow/include/Object.h>
Registers the object name
template <class T> inline T object_ptr_cast (const ObjectRef &ref)
#include <data-flow/include/ObjectRef.h>
The object pointer cast from ObjectRef
template <class T> inline T & object_cast (const ObjectRef &ref)
#include <data-flow/include/ObjectRef.h>
This is the default (and slowest) implementation
template <class T> inline T & dereference_cast (const ObjectRef &ref)
#include <data-flow/include/ObjectRef.h>
The type cast from ObjectRef
template <class T> inline bool & object_kind_of (const ObjectRef &ref)
#include <data-flow/include/ObjectRef.h>
Does the object derive from T
template <class T> inline bool & object_has_type (const ObjectRef &ref)
#include <data-flow/include/ObjectRef.h>
Is the object of type T (exact match)
void * workloop (void *param)
#include <data-flow/include/ThreadedIterator.h>
The ThreadedIterator class is intended to compute at a defined Rate per second (RPS)
its output. It is useful for async computing.
void overflowInitialize (void)
#include <data-flow/include/cwrapper.h>
Initializes the Overflow library
void * overflowLoadDocument (char *filename)
#include <data-flow/include/cwrapper.h>
Loads an Overflow .n document
int overflowProcessAudioFile (void *vdoc, char **argv, int *length, int *nbFeatures, float **data)
#include <data-flow/include/cwrapper.h>
Runs a document that returns a frame buffer
void * overflowNewNetwork (void *vdoc, char **argv)
#include <data-flow/include/cwrapper.h>
Create an Overflow network from a document
int overflowProcessFrame (void *vnet, float *in, int inLength, float **out, int *outLength)
#include <data-flow/include/cwrapper.h>
Processes one frame
int overflowProcessFrame2 (void *vnet, float *in, int inLength, float *out, int outLength)
#include <data-flow/include/cwrapper.h>
Processes one frame
void destroyNetwork (void *vnet)
#include <data-flow/include/cwrapper.h>
Destroys an Overflow network
void destroyDocument (void *vdoc)
#include <data-flow/include/cwrapper.h>
Destroys (closes) an Overflow document
template <class T> T & max (T &a, T &b)
#include <data-flow/include/misc.h>
Max function
template <class T> T & min (T &a, T &b)
#include <data-flow/include/misc.h>
Min function
template <class T> inline T sqr (T x)
#include <data-flow/include/misc.h>
Square function
template <class T> inline T abs (T x)
#include <data-flow/include/misc.h>
Absolute value function
inline float gauss_rand (float sd)
#include <data-flow/include/misc.h>
Gaussian random generator
Generated by: jmvalin@usw-pr-shell2 on Mon Jun 24 00:06:36 2002, using kdoc 2.0a40. |