Source: data-flow/include/Node.h
// Copyright (C) 1999 Jean-Marc Valin & Dominic Letourneau
#ifndef _NODE_H_
#define _NODE_H_
#include "Object.h"
#include <string>
#include <map>
#include <vector>
#include "ObjectRef.h"
#include "BaseException.h"
#include <typeinfo>
#include "ParameterSet.h"
#include "NodeFactory.h"
/**Definition of the type we need for the dictionaries*/
typedef map<string, Node*>::value_type nodeEntry;
typedef map<string, _NodeFactory*>::value_type factoryEntry;
//must be defined
class Node;
/** A NodeInput is a data structure that holds a reference to
the node we are connected at and its related output number.
@author Jean-Marc Valin
class NodeInput {
/**The outputID of the connected node*/
int outputID;
/**The reference of the node*/
Node *node;
/**The name of the input*/
string name;
/**Constructor with a node and an outputID*/
NodeInput(Node *n, int t, const string &inputName) :outputID(t),node(n),name(inputName) {}
/**Copy constructor*/
NodeInput (const NodeInput &in) {
node = in.node;
outputID = in.outputID;
name =;
/**equality operator*/
NodeInput& operator= (const NodeInput &in) {
if (&in != this)
node = in.node;
outputID = in.outputID;
name =;
return *this;
/**default constructor*/
NodeInput() : outputID(-1), node(NULL) {} //-1 means unused
/**constructor with a nodeName*/
NodeInput(const string &inputName) : outputID(-1), node(NULL), name(inputName) {}
class UINode;
/**The Base Node class. All nodes to be inserted in a network must
derive from this class. It contains the proper initializations
for the connectivity of the nodes.
@author Jean-Marc Valin & Dominic Letourneau
class Node : public Object {
/**A network can have access to private members of Node*/
friend class Network;
friend class Iterator;
/**Node's name*/
string name;
/**Node's inputs*/
vector<NodeInput> inputs;
/**Node's outputs*/
vector<string> outputNames;
/**Parameters given to the node at construction time*/
ParameterSet parameters;
/**Corresponding UINode*/
UINode *uinode;
/**Connect an input node using numeric (integer) input/output names*/
virtual void connectToNode(unsigned int in, Node *inputNode, unsigned int out);
/**Adding an output to a node*/
virtual int addOutput (const string &outputName);
/**Adding an input to a node*/
virtual int addInput (const string &inputName);
/**Returns the inputs vector */
virtual vector<NodeInput>& getInputs () {return inputs;}
/**Constructor, takes the name of the node and a set of parameters*/
Node(string nodeName, const ParameterSet ¶ms);
virtual ~Node() {}
/**Ask for the node's output which ID (number) is output_id
and for the 'count' iteration */
virtual ObjectRef getOutput(int output_id, int count) = 0;
/**Ask for the node's output (named) and for the count iteration */
virtual ObjectRef getOutputNamed (const string &outputName, int count) {
return this->getOutput (this->translateOutput(outputName),count);
/**Connect an input node using symbolic (strings) input/output names*/
virtual void connectToNode(string in, Node *inputNode, string out);
/**Initialize a node*/
virtual void initialize ();
/**Checks whether node really has a certain output*/
virtual bool hasOutput(int output_id) const;
ObjectRef getInput(int inputID, int count)
NodeInput &input = inputs[inputID];
return input.node->getOutput(input.outputID, count);
/**Asks the node to stop what it is doing to allow processing termination*/
virtual void stop() {}
/**Notify the node that is will be destroyed shortly*/
virtual void cleanupNotify() {}
/**Resets the node internal values and buffers*/
virtual void reset();
/**Returns the node name*/
string getName() {return name;}
/**Standard request-passing method between nodes during initialization*/
virtual void request(int outputID, const ParameterSet &req)
for (int i=0;i<inputs.size();i++)
/**Verify input connections for the node*/
virtual void verifyConnect();
/**A node can print itself*/
void printOn(ostream &out=cout) const;
void setUINode(UINode *_uinode) {uinode = _uinode;}
/**Adding a factory into the static dictionary*/
static int addFactory (const string &factoryName, _NodeFactory* const factory);
/**The factory lookup function*/
static _NodeFactory* getFactoryNamed (const string &name);
/**Default constructor, should not be used*/
Node() {throw new GeneralException("Node Constructor should not be called",__FILE__,__LINE__);}
/**symbolic to numeric translation for input names*/
virtual int translateInput(string inputName);
/**symbolic to numeric translation for output names*/
virtual int translateOutput(string inputName);
/**Run-time assertions*/
virtual void rt_assert(bool cond, string message="", char *_file="unknown", int _line=0);
/**Construct-time assertions*/
virtual void construct_assert(bool cond, string message="", char *_file="unknown", int _line=0);
/**Error with the node*/
virtual void throw_error(bool send_ptr, string message, char *_file, int _line);
/**The node instance factory*/
static map<string,_NodeFactory*> &factoryDictionary();
/**The node information map*/
static vector<string> &nodeInfo();
/**Routine to add info for a node*/
static int addNodeInfo (const string &info);
Dominic Letourneau
/** The NotInitializedException occurs when a node is not properly
initialized before the processing begins. It happens when the network
is not properly connected.
@author Dominic Letourneau
class NotInitializedException : public BaseException {
/**The constructor that takes a map of nodes not properly initialized*/
NotInitializedException (map<string,Node * > aMap) {
nodeMap = aMap;
/**The print method*/
virtual void print(ostream &out = cerr) {
out<<"NotInitializedException occured"<<endl;
map<string,Node*>::iterator iter;
for (iter = nodeMap.begin(); iter != nodeMap.end(); iter++) {
out<<"This node is not initialized: "<<(*iter).first<<endl;
/**The node map*/
map<string,Node*> nodeMap;
/** The NodeException is a easy way to send a message for an general
exception in a node. You should use __FILE__ and __LINE__ in the
@author Jean-Marc Valin
class NodeException : public BaseException {
/**The constructor with a message a file name and a line number*/
NodeException( Node *_node, string _message, char *_file, int _line)
: message(_message)
, node(_node)
, file(_file)
, line(_line)
, frozen(false)
/**the print method*/
virtual void print(ostream &out = cerr);
virtual void freeze();
/**the message*/
string message;
/**the node pointer*/
Node *node;
/**the file name*/
string file;
/**the line number*/
int line;
/**Whether the exception is frozen*/
bool frozen;
#define DECLARE_NODE(NodeTypeName) int dummy_initializer_for ## NodeTypeName = \
Node::addFactory (# NodeTypeName, new NodeFactory<NodeTypeName>(# NodeTypeName));
Generated by: jmvalin@usw-pr-shell2 on Mon Jun 24 00:06:36 2002, using kdoc 2.0a40. |