class Object

Our Object base class. More...

Contains pure virtuals
Definition#include <data-flow/include/Object.h>
Inherited byBuffer, BufferedNode, Collector, CompositeType, Constant, EOFObject, ExceptionObject, FILEDES, FILEPTR, FlowException, GenericType, InputTranslator, IntfNode, Iterator, Matrix, NetCType, Network, NilObject, Node, Pack, PrintableGenericType, String, ThreadedIterator, UIDocument, UnPack
List of all Methods
Annotated List

Public Methods

Public Static Methods

Protected Members

Detailed Description

Our Object base class. Everything in the network must have Object as base class.

int ref_count


 Object () : ref_count(1)

default constructor

Object ()



void  ref ()

Notify the object we're adding a reference

void  unref ()

Notify the object we're removing a reference (might destroy the object)

int  getCount ()

Returns the number of references

void  destroy ()


Causes the object to be destroyed, it might be redefined for an object pool

void  serialize (ostream &out)

[const virtual]

Serialize (binary) the object to a stream

void  unserialize (istream &in)


Unserialize (binary) the object from a stream

void  doesNotUnderstand (string method)


How to handle an ununderstood method (VMethod)

void  printOn (ostream &out=cout)

[const pure virtual]

Generic print function

bool  isNil ()

[const virtual]

Is it a nil Object

void  prettyPrint (ostream &out=cout)

[const virtual]

Prints an object in a more "user-friendly" format

void  readFrom (istream &in=cin)


Generic read function

friend ostream & operator << (ostream &out, const Object& obj)

Prints the object to a stream

ObjectRef  clone ()


Makes a (deep) copy of the object

string  className ()

[const virtual]

Returns the name of the class of the Object

ObjectRef  newObject (const string &objType)


Creates an instance of an object by class name

template<class T> int  addObjectType (const string &objType, _ObjectFactory *factory)


Registers the object name

map<string, _ObjectFactory*>&  ObjectFactoryDictionary ()


TypeMap<_ObjectFactory*>&  TypeidDictionary ()
