Source: data-flow/include/ObjectRef.h
// Copyright (C) 1999 Jean-Marc Valin & Dominic Letourneau
#include "Object.h"
#include "net_types.h"
#include "BaseException.h"
#include <typeinfo>
The CastException occurs when we are unable to cast an ObjectRef.
@author Jean-Marc Valin.
@version 1.0
template <class T>
class CastException : public GenericCastException {
/**The constructur that takes an error message*/
CastException(string _type) : type(_type)
/**The print method*/
virtual void print(ostream &out = cerr)
out << "Cast error: Trying to cast ObjectRef (" << type << ") into " << typeid(T).name() << endl;
/**The error message*/
string type;
/**The object pointer cast from ObjectRef*/
template <class T>
inline T object_ptr_cast (const ObjectRef &ref)
T tmp = dynamic_cast<T>(&(*ref));
if (!tmp)
throw new CastException<T> (typeid ((*ref)).name());
return tmp;
/**This is the default (and slowest) implementation*/
template <class T>
inline T &object_cast (const ObjectRef &ref)
T *tmp = dynamic_cast<T *>(&(*ref));
if (!tmp)
throw new CastException<T> (typeid ((*ref)).name());
return *tmp;
/**The type cast from ObjectRef*/
template <class T>
inline T &dereference_cast (const ObjectRef &ref)
GenericType<T> *tmp = (dynamic_cast<GenericType<T> * >(&(*ref)));
if (!tmp)
throw new CastException<T> (typeid ((*ref)).name());
return tmp->val();
/**Does the object derive from T*/
template <class T>
inline bool &object_kind_of (const ObjectRef &ref)
return dynamic_cast<T *>(&(*ref));
/**Is the object of type T (exact match)*/
template <class T>
inline bool &object_has_type (const ObjectRef &ref)
return typeid(*ref) == typeid(T);
Generated by: jmvalin@usw-pr-shell2 on Mon Jun 24 00:06:36 2002, using kdoc 2.0a40. |