class UINode

UINode is the represantation used to store data for any node, either in the GUI or in batch mode. More...

Definition#include <data-flow/include/UINode.h>
List of all Methods
Annotated List

Public Methods

Public Members

Protected Members

Detailed Description

UINode is the represantation used to store data for any node, either in the GUI or in batch mode. A UINode cannot perform any operation but can be used to build a real Node.

bool destroyed


Not too sure what I was thinking when I wrote that

string name


Node name

UINetwork * net


The network in which the node is included

string type


Node type (either the name of the .n or the builtin Node subclass)

string description


Node description (unused?)

double x


Position on the canvas

double y


Position on the canvas

double xtmp


Temporary position used in move operations

double ytmp


Temporary position used in move operations

vector <UITerminal *> inputs


Pointers to all the inputs

vector <UITerminal *> outputs


Pointers to all the outputs

UINodeParameters * parameters


All the node parameters

 UINode (UINetwork* _net, string _name, string _type, double x, double y, bool doInit=1)

"Normal" constructor

 UINode (UINetwork* _net, xmlNodePtr def, bool doInit=1)

Constructor from XML parse tree

UINode ()



const string & getName ()

Returns the node name

const string & getType ()

Returns the node type

UINetwork *  getNetwork ()

Returns the corresponding network

void  rename (const string &newName)


Rename a node (when network included as a subnet)

void  addTerminal (const string &_name, UINetTerminal::NetTermType _type)


Adds a new terminal to a node

void  removeTerminal (const string &_name, UINetTerminal::NetTermType _type)


Removes a terminal from a node

void  saveXML (xmlNode *root)

Save to an XML parse tree

UITerminalgetInputNamed (string n)

Returns the input (terminal) corresponding to a certain name

UITerminalgetOutputNamed (string n)

Returns the output (terminal) corresponding to a certain name

void  getPos (double &xx, double &yy)

Returns the node position

void  setPos (double new_x, double new_y)

Changes the position (not too sure it should be used

void  redraw ()


void  setNodeParameters (UINodeParameters *params)

void  insertNetParams (vector<ItemInfo *> &params)

void  notifyError (const string &message)


UILinknewLink (UITerminal *_from, UITerminal *_to)


UINetTerminalnewNetTerminal (UITerminal *_terminal, UINetTerminal::NetTermType _type, string _name)


UINodeParametersnewNodeParameters (UINode *_node, string type)


Nodebuild (const ParameterSet &params)

void  genCode (ostream &out, int &id, set<string> &nodeList)

Generate C++ code for building the document, instead of using XML

vector<UITerminal *>  getInputs ()

vector <UITerminal *>  getOutputs ()

UINodeParameters *  getParameters ()

string  getDescription ()

string  getComments ()


friend class UINetwork