class UINetwork

UINetwork is the represantation used to store data for any network, either in the GUI or in batch mode. More...

Definition#include <data-flow/include/UINetwork.h>
List of all Methods
Annotated List

Public Types

Public Methods

Protected Members

Detailed Description

UINetwork is the represantation used to store data for any network, either in the GUI or in batch mode. A UINetwork cannot perform any operation but can be used to build a real Network.

enum Type {subnet=0, iterator=1, threaded=2}

Available network types

bool destroyed


Has the network been destroyed? Not too sure what I was thinking...

UIDocument * doc


Document (.n file) to which the network belongs

string name


Name of the network

Type type


Network type (subnet, iterator, threaded iterator

vector <UINode *> nodes


All the links included in the network

vector <UILink *> links


All the links included in the network

vector <UINetTerminal *> terminals


Pointer to all the network terminals

 UINetwork (UIDocument *_doc, string _name, Type _type)

Basic constructor, allows building the UINetwork gradually

 UINetwork (UIDocument *_doc, xmlNodePtr net, bool init=true)

Construct a UINetwork from a parsed XML file

void  load (xmlNodePtr net)

Loads the info from the XML parse tree

UINetwork ()



void  setModified ()

Informs that some part of the network has been changed. To be called anytime one modifies something in the network, a node, a link, ...

UINodeloadNode (xmlNodePtr node)

UINodegetNodeNamed (string n)

void  addNode (UINode *node)

void  removeNode (UINode *node)

void  addLink (UILink *link)

void  removeLink (UILink *link)

const string & getName ()

Type  getType ()

UIDocumentgetDocument ()

bool  isIter ()

void  saveXML (xmlNode *root)

void  newNetNotify (const string &cat, const string &type)


void  addTerminal (UINetTerminal *term)

void  removeTerminal (UINetTerminal *term)

vector<string>  getTerminals (UINetTerminal::NetTermType termType)

void  insertNetParams (vector<ItemInfo *> &params)

UINodenewNode (UINetwork* _net, xmlNodePtr def)


UINodenewNode (UINetwork* _net, string _name, string _type, double _x, double _y, bool doInit)


UILinknewLink (UITerminal *_from, UITerminal *_to, char *str=NULL)


UINetTerminalnewNetTerminal (UITerminal *_terminal, UINetTerminal::NetTermType _type, string _name)


Networkbuild (const string &netName, const ParameterSet &params)

void  genCode (ostream &out, int &id, set<string> &nodeList)

Generate C++ code for building the document, instead of using XML

vector<UINode *>  getNodes ()

vector<UILink *>  getLinks ()

vector<UINetTerminal *>  getTerminals ()

void  rename (string newName)


void  interfaceChangeNotify ()

void  updateAllSubnetTerminals (const string _nettype, const string _terminalname, UINetTerminal::NetTermType _terminaltype, bool _remove)
