class Iterator

Iterator Node More...

Definition#include <data-flow/include/Iterator.h>
Inherited byThreadedIterator
List of all Methods
Annotated List

Public Methods

Protected Methods

Protected Members

Detailed Description

Iterator Node

int processCount


 Iterator (string nodeName, ParameterSet params)

The constructor with a nodeName and parameters

ObjectRef  getOutput (int output_id, int count)


The getOutput method overloaded from Node

Reimplemented from Network.

void  connectToNode (string in, Node *inNode, string out)


The connectToNode method overloaded from Node

Reimplemented from Network.

void  request (int outputID, const ParameterSet &req)


Reimplemented from Network.

void  setConditionNode (Node* aNode)

setting the condition Node

Node*  getConditionNode ()

returning the condition Node

void  initialize ()


Iterator specific initialize

Reimplemented from Network.

void  reset ()


Resets the Iterator and all the internal nodes

Reimplemented from Network.

void  stop ()


Notify the node that is will be destroyed shortly

Reimplemented from Network.

void  connectToNode (unsigned int in, Node *inNode, unsigned int out)

[protected virtual]

Connect an input node using numeric (integer) input/output names

Reimplemented from Network.

bool doWhile


It true, the iterator is a do; while() (the condition is tested last)

bool exit_status


Node * conditionNode


Our special conditionNode

InputTranslator * translator


Our special translator node

vector<ObjectRef> output


The output of the iterator

 Iterator ()


Default constructor that should not be used

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