class BaseException

/ /** This is the base class of all exceptions in the network. More...

Contains pure virtuals
Definition#include <data-flow/include/BaseException.h>
Inherited byBufferException, CastException, DoubleDispatchException, FactoryNotFoundException, GeneralException, GenericCastException, NoInputNodeException, NoSinkNodeException, NodeException, NodeNotFoundException, NotInitializedException, ParameterException, ParsingException, PtrCastException, PtrException
List of all Methods
Annotated List

Public Methods

Detailed Description

/ /** This is the base class of all exceptions in the network. You should always derive from this class if you want to make a new exception handler.

void  print (ostream &out = cerr)

[pure virtual]

This pure virtual function is intended for debug purposes. Every exception should be able to print a message.

void  freeze ()


Freezes the error message. This is used when the object an exception refers (or might refer) to will be destroyed

BaseException ()


BaseExceptionadd (BaseException *e)
