class FFLayer

Represents one (fully-connected) layer from a multi-layer percetron (FFNet) More...

Definition#include <NNet/include/FFLayer.h>
InheritsObject (data-flow)
List of all Methods
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Public Methods

Protected Members

Detailed Description

Represents one (fully-connected) layer from a multi-layer percetron (FFNet)

 void (*func) (float *, float *, int)

Activation function pointer

 void (*deriv_func) (float *, float *, int)

Activation function derivative pointer

int nbNeurons


Number of neurons in the layer

int nbInputs


Number of input neurons

float * weights


Pointer to the weight vector

string funcType


int weightOffset


Offset of the layer weight vector in the network weight vector

int neuronOffset


Offset of the layer's first neuron in the list of all network neurons (not too sure about that one, though)

float derivOffset


Offset of the layer's first neuron derivative in the list of all network neurons

 FFLayer () : derivOffset(0)

This (empty) constructor is used for parsing a layer from a file

 FFLayer (int _nbNeurons, int _nbInputs, float *_weights, int _weightOffset, int _neuronOffset, string type = "tansig")

Standard constructor

 FFLayer (const FFLayer &layer)

Unimplemented yet (not sure if we *should* implement it)

void  setupAfterRead (float *_weights, int _weightOffset, int _neuronOffset)

Called after reading a layer to setup the weight vector correctly

FFLayer ()

void  update (const float *previous, float *value, float *deriv=NULL)

Calculates all the activation functions (and derivatives) for a given input

int  size ()

Layer size

int  getNbWeights ()

Number of weights

int  getNeuronWeightOffset (int i)

Offset of a certain neuron's weight vector relative to the whole network's weight vector

int  getWeightOffset ()

int  getNeuronOffset ()

void  init (float minmax)

void  init (double *mean, double *std)

Initializes the layer values given the means and standard deviations of each of the inputs

void  setBias (double *minmax)

Sets the bias vector

float * getWeights (int i)

void  printOn (ostream &out)


Writes the layer to a stream

Reimplemented from Object.

void  readFrom (istream &in)

Reads the layer from a stream (remember to call setupAfterRead after that

Reimplemented from Object.

void  setDerivOffset (float d)