Source: data-flow/include/Network.h

Annotated List
// Copyright (C) 1999 Jean-Marc Valin and Dominic Letourneau

#ifndef _NETWORK_H_
#define _NETWORK_H_

#include "Node.h"
#include <map>
#include <string>
#include "NodeFactory.h"
//#include "NodeHeaders.h"
#include "Exception.h"

   The Pull Network Class. It holds the nodes which are connected by the Network.
   A network has always a single input node and a sink node (output node).
   We use a Factory for the cration of Node instances. That way, we can use a 
   lookup dictionary that contains a name for that factory and a pointer to a
   Factory Base class that uses a virtual function callde Create(). The initialization must
   begin at the sink node and is propagated through the network until it reaches
   the input node.A network can be included as a node as well.

//@author Dominic Letourneau & Jean-Marc Valin
//@version 1.0

class Network : public Node {


   /**Subnet: NetworkNode constructor*/
   Network (string nodeName, ParameterSet params);

   /**default destructor*/
   ~Network ();

      Returns the associated Node pointer from a lookup dictionary with the node name.
      We return NULL if the node doesn't exist.
   Node* getNodeNamed (const string &name);
   /** Adding a node to the network. We use a factory Name to create an instance
       of the Node and store the node in the node dictionary with an associated name.*/
   void addNode (const string &factoryName,const string &nodeName, const ParameterSet &parameters);
   /** Adding a already constructed node. WATCHOUT , THE NODE IS NOT COPIED AT THE MOMENT */
   void addNode (Node &node);

   /**connecting two nodes. We are using the node names.*/
   virtual void connect (const string &currentNodeName,const string &inputName, 
                 const string &inputNodeName, const string &outputName);
   /**removing a node. We are using the node name.*/
   Node* removeNode (const string &nodeName);
   /**Returns the name of the node (the same as in the node dictionary)*/
   string getName() {return name;}

   /**Naming the current network*/
   void setName(const string &my_name) {name = my_name;}

   /**Returns the sinkNode*/
   Node* getSinkNode () {return sinkNode;}

   /**Setting the sink node (unique)*/
   virtual void setSinkNode (Node* node) {sinkNode = node;} 
   /**Returns the inputNode pointer*/
   Node* getInputNode () {return inputNode;}

   /**Setting the input node (unique)*/
   virtual void setInputNode (Node* node) {inputNode = node;}

   /**Returns the inputs vector */
   virtual vector<NodeInput>& getInputs () {
      if (!inputNode) throw new NodeException(this,"No inputNode",__FILE__,__LINE__);
      return inputNode->getInputs();

   /** resets the Network and all the internal nodes */
   virtual void reset();

   /**Asks the node to stop what it is doing to allow processing termination*/
   virtual void stop();
   /**Notify the node that is will be destroyed shortly*/
   virtual void cleanupNotify();
   /**Standard request-passing method between nodes during initialization*/
   virtual void request(int outputID, const ParameterSet &req) {sinkNode->request(outputID,req);}

   /**Subnet : NetworkNode specific initialize*/
   virtual void initialize();

   /**Subnet : NetworkNode returns the output of the SubNet (from the sinkNode)*/
   virtual ObjectRef getOutput (int output_id, int count);

   /**Subnet : checks if the sinkNode has the desired output*/
   virtual bool hasOutput (int output_id) const;

   /**Subnet : The connectToNode method overloaded from Node */
   virtual void connectToNode(string in, Node *inNode, string out);
   /**Verify input connections for the node*/
   virtual void verifyConnect();


   /**Subnet : getting the related number of the input description*/
   virtual int translateInput (string   inputName);

   /**Subnet : getting the related number of the output description*/
   virtual int translateOutput (string outputName);
   /**Subnet : Connect an input node using numeric (integer) input/output names*/
   virtual void connectToNode(unsigned int in, Node *inNode, unsigned int out);

   /**The number of nodes in the network*/
   int numNodes;

   /**The node dictionary*/
   map<string,Node*> nodeDictionary;
   /**The sink node*/
   Node *sinkNode;
   /**The input node*/
   Node *inputNode;

   /**default constructor should never be used*/
   Network () {
     throw new NodeException (NULL,"The default constructor should not be called from Network",__FILE__,__LINE__);

Generated by: jmvalin@usw-pr-shell2 on Mon Jun 24 00:06:36 2002, using kdoc 2.0a40.