Source: data-flow/include/Buffer.h
// Copyright (C) 1999 Jean-Marc Valin
#ifndef BUFFER_H
#define BUFFER_H
#include "Object.h"
#include "ObjectRef.h"
#include "Exception.h"
#include <typeinfo>
#include <vector>
/**A rotating buffer implementation.
This buffer keeps the last N lines (frames) it has*/
class Buffer : public Object {
/**Pointers to objects*/
mutable vector<ObjectRef> data;
mutable vector<int> flags;
/**The number N of objects kept*/
int bufferLength ;
mutable int bufferPos;
mutable int currentPos;
/**Constructor, requires the buffer length (bLength)*/
Buffer(int bLength)
: data(bLength)
, flags(bLength,0)
, bufferLength (bLength)
currentPos = -1;
/**Copy constructor (not implemented, do we need one?)*/
Buffer(const Buffer&);
/**Indexing operator, read-only*/
inline ObjectRef &get(int ind) const;
/**Indexing operator, also sets the indexed frame as being the current frame*/
inline ObjectRef &operator[] (int ind);
int isValid(int ind) const
if (ind > currentPos || ind <= currentPos-bufferLength)
return false;
int tmp = bufferPos+ind-currentPos;
if (tmp < 0)
tmp += bufferLength;
return flags[tmp];
/**Prints the Buffer*/
void printOn(ostream &out = cout) const;
int getCurrentPos() {return currentPos;}
class BufferException : public BaseException {
/**The constructor with the parameters*/
BufferException(const Buffer *_buffer, string _message, int _element)
: buffer (_buffer)
, message(_message)
, element(_element)
/**The print method*/
virtual void print(ostream &out = cerr)
out<< typeid(buffer).name() << " error: "<< message << ".\nElement " << element << endl;
out << "Buffer is: \n";
out << *buffer;
/**the buffer that generated the error*/
const Buffer *buffer;
/**the error message*/
string message;
/**The element for which the error occured*/
int element;
inline ObjectRef & Buffer::operator[] (int ind)
if (ind < 0 || ind <= currentPos-bufferLength)
throw new BufferException (this, "trying to write to non-existing element",ind);
if (ind > currentPos)
int diff = ind-currentPos;
while (diff--)
if (bufferPos == bufferLength)
flags[bufferPos] = 0;
currentPos = ind;
flags[bufferPos] = 1;
return data[bufferPos];
int tmp = bufferPos+ind-currentPos;
if (tmp < 0)
tmp += bufferLength;
flags[tmp] = 1;
return data[tmp];
inline ObjectRef &Buffer::get(int ind) const
if (ind < 0 || ind <= currentPos-bufferLength || ind > currentPos)
throw new BufferException (this, "trying to read non-existing element",ind);
int tmp = bufferPos+ind-currentPos;
if (tmp < 0)
tmp += bufferLength;
if (flags[tmp])
return data[tmp];
throw new BufferException (this, "trying to read not initialized element",ind);
inline void Buffer::printOn(ostream &out) const
int i;
//cerr << "printing... currentPos = " << currentPos << " bufferLength = " << bufferLength << endl;
out << "<Buffer" << endl;
for (i=currentPos-bufferLength+1;i<=currentPos;i++)
if (i>=0)
out << "< " << i << " ";
if (isValid(i))
out << get(i);
out << "nil";
out << " >" << endl;
inline Buffer::Buffer(const Buffer&)
{throw new BufferException(NULL,"use an ObjectRef instead",0);}
Generated by: jmvalin@usw-pr-shell2 on Mon Jun 24 00:06:36 2002, using kdoc 2.0a40. |