class OutputCacheInfo

/ class ExceptionStack : public BaseException { protected: vector<BaseException *> stack; public: ExceptionStack() {}; More...

Definition#include <data-flow/include/BufferedNode.h>
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Detailed Description

/ class ExceptionStack : public BaseException { protected: vector<BaseException *> stack; public: ExceptionStack() {};

BaseException *add(BaseException *e) { stack.insert(stack.end(), e); return this; }

virtual ~ExceptionStack() {for (size_t i=0;i<stack.size();i++) delete stack[i];} ///The print method that prints on stderr by default virtual void print(ostream &out = cerr) { for (unsigned int i=0;i<stack.size();i++) stack[i]->print(out); }

virtual void freeze() { for (unsigned int i=0;i<stack.size();i++) stack[i]->freeze(); } };

inline BaseException *BaseException::add(BaseException *e) { return (new ExceptionStack)->add(this)->add(e); }


 OutputCacheInfo () : lookAhead(0) , lookBack(0)

RCPtr<Buffer> buffer

int lookAhead

int lookBack

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