Source: NNet/include/FFNet.h
// Copyright (C) 2001 Jean-Marc Valin
#ifndef FFNET_H
#define FFNET_H
#include "Object.h"
#include "FFLayer.h"
#include <vector>
#include <iostream>
#include "Array.h"
class TrainingAlgo;
/**Feed-forward neural network (MLP) class
@author: Jean-Marc Valin
class FFNet : public Object {
/**Network topology*/
Vector<int> topo;
/**Pointers to all MLP layers*/
Vector<RCPtr<FFLayer> > layers;
/**Complete weight vector*/
float *weights;
/**Total number of neurons*/
int nbNeurons;
/**Total number of weights*/
int nbWeights;
FFNet(const Vector<int> &_topo, const Vector<string> &functions);
//FFNet(const Vector<int> &_topo);
FFNet() {}
FFNet(FFNet &net);
FFNet(const Vector<int> &_topo, const Vector<string> &functions, vector<float *> &tin, vector<float *> &tout);
void init(const Vector<string> &functions);
void setupLayersAfterRead();
/**Calculates the network result for a certain input*/
float *calc(const float *input, float *value, float *deriv=NULL)
layers[0]->update(input, value, deriv);
for (int i=1;i<layers.size();i++)
if (deriv)
} else {
return value+layers[layers.size()-1]->getNeuronOffset();
/**Calculates the gradient for a single sample*/
void learn(float *input, float *output, double *gradient, double *err=NULL, float *calc_output=NULL);
/**Calculates the gradient for a set of sample*/
void calcGradient(vector<float *> &tin, vector<float *> &tout, Array<float> weights,
Array<double> &gradient, double &err);
/**Calculates the gradient for a single sample using variable weight*/
void weightedLearn(float *input, float *output, float *learnWeights, double *gradient,
double *err=NULL, float *calc_output=NULL);
/**Calculates the gradient for a set of sample using variable weight*/
void weightedCalcGradient(vector<float *> &tin, vector<float *> &tout, vector<float *> &learnWeights,
Array<float> weights, Array<double> &gradient, double &err);
/**Mean square error for a complete set*/
float totalError(vector<float *> tin, vector<float *> tout);
int getNbWeights () {return nbWeights;}
int getNbNeurons () {return nbNeurons;}
const Vector<int> &getTopo() {return topo;}
const Vector<RCPtr<FFLayer> > &getLayers() {return layers;}
const float *getWeights() {return weights;}
void setWeights(float *ptr) {vec_copy(ptr, weights, nbWeights);}
void setDerivOffset(float d);
/**Writes an MLP to a stream*/
void printOn(ostream &out) const;
/**Reads an MLP from a stream*/
void readFrom (istream &in);
istream &operator >> (istream &in, FFNet &net);
Generated by: jmvalin@usw-pr-shell2 on Mon Jun 24 00:06:43 2002, using kdoc 2.0a40. |