Source: HMM/include/gaussian.h
// Copyright (C) 1998-1999 Jean-Marc Valin
#ifndef GAUSSIAN_H
#define GAUSSIAN_H
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include "covariance.h"
#include "ObjectParser.h"
#include "misc.h"
#include "Vector.h"
#include "covariance_set.h"
#include "mean.h"
#include "mean_set.h"
class GMM;
/**Gaussian class*/
class Gaussian : public Object
/**The mean of the gaussian stored as an STL vector of float*/
RCPtr<Mean> mean;
//RCPtr<Vector<float> > mean;
/**The covariance of the gaussian is a pointer to abstract class Covariance*/
RCPtr<Covariance> covariance;
/**number of frames aligned (accumulated) to the covariance*/
int accum_count;
/**Dimension (same as the mean and covariance dimension)*/
int dimension;
/**Was the gaussian loaded using indexes for mean*/
bool using_meanID;
/**Was the gaussian loaded using indexes for covariance*/
bool using_covarianceID;
/**The ID of the gaussian's mean*/
int meanID;
/**The ID of the gaussian's covariance*/
int covarianceID;
/**Empty gaussian constructor*/
: dimension(0)
, using_meanID(false)
, using_covarianceID(false)
Gaussian(istream &in) {in >> *this;}
/**Construct a Gaussian with dimension dim and a covariance pseudo-factory
*(allows to create gaussians with either diagonal or full covariance*/
Gaussian(int dim, Covariance *(*cov_new)(int))
: mean(new Mean (dim,0.0))
//: mean(new Vector<float> (dim,0.0))
, covariance(cov_new (dim))
, accum_count(0)
, dimension(dim)
, using_meanID(false)
, using_covarianceID(false)
Gaussian(int dim, int _meanID, int _covarianceID)
: accum_count(0)
, dimension(dim)
, using_meanID(true)
, using_covarianceID(true)
, meanID(_meanID)
, covarianceID(_covarianceID)
/**Copy constructor*/
Gaussian(const Gaussian &g)
: mean(new Mean (*g.mean))
//: mean(new Vector<float> (*g.mean))
, covariance(g.covariance->copy())
, accum_count (g.accum_count)
, dimension (g.dimension)
, using_meanID(false)
, using_covarianceID(false)
/**Returns the dimension of the gaussian*/
int getDimension() const { return dimension; }
/**Returns the mean of the gaussian*/
Mean &getMean() const { return *mean; }
/**Returns the covariance of the gaussian*/
Covariance &getCovariance() const { return *covariance; }
/**Convert from accumulate to real mode*/
void to_real();
/**Returns the number of frames aligned to the gaussian*/
int get_accum_count() const {return accum_count;}
/**Returns the mahalanobis distance between the gaussian and a frame*/
double mahalanobis(const float * fr) const
return covariance->mahalanobisDistance(fr,&(*mean)[0]);
/**Returns the mahalanobis distance between the gaussian and a frame*/
double mahalanobis(const float * fr, Covariance *cov) const
return cov->mahalanobisDistance(fr,&(*mean)[0]);
/**Returns the euclidian distance between the gaussian and a frame*/
double euclidian(const float * fr) const
double dist=0;
for (unsigned int i=0;i<dimension;i++)
//cerr << "det: " << covariance->getDeterminant() << endl;
return dist;
/**Adds (accumulates) a frame to the gaussian*/
void accum_frame(const float * fr)
/**Set everything to zero and come back to accumulate mode*/
void reset_to_accum_mode()
void toIDsUsing (MeanSet &means, CovarianceSet & covariances);
void toPtrsUsing (const MeanSet &means, const CovarianceSet & covariances);
/**print function for operator <<*/
void printOn(ostream &out = cout) const;
/**Read function used for operator >> */
void readFrom (istream &in=cin);
friend istream &operator >> (istream &in, Gaussian &gauss);
friend class GMM;
istream &operator >> (istream &in, Gaussian &gauss);
Generated by: jmvalin@usw-pr-shell2 on Mon Jun 24 00:06:40 2002, using kdoc 2.0a40. |