00/05/07: Open Mind Speech moved to sourceforge. Some links aren't updated yet, be patient. The CVS has moved too, so you'll need to update your CVSROOT.
00/01/09: I just corrected a mistake in the anonymous CVSROOT on the download page. It should now work fine.
99/10/13: Open Mind Speech will also include the Linux-specific parts of FreeSpeech, so Linux will be the first target (but not the only one) for the project.
99/09/21: In part to avoid name conflicts, FreeSpeech is becoming Open Mind Speech. "The Open Mind Initiative is a collaborative framework for developing "intelligent" software using the internet". Whether or not the more Linux-specific part of the project should have another name is open to discussion. Except for the name change, everything will stay at the same place, and the goals of the whole project are the same.
99/09/18: Just added the first screenshot showing how to use Dia to build code
99/08/31: I'm (Jean-Marc) going to be working on FreeSpeech as a senior project. So, for the next four months, I will be working a lot on isolated word recognition.
99/08/26: The CVS server is finally back up, lots of updates, new code, ...
99/08/03: I updated the doc about data-flow and audio_blocks.
99/06/13: The project has been renamed (again) FreeSpeech. the new web page is http://freespeech.on.openprojects.net Work on the project has restarted
99/01/25: The web page moves to http://www.gel.usherb.ca/grpetudiants/speechi/ and we now have a CVS server set up.
99/01/20: The project changes name to SpeechInput (the name VoiceControl was already used for a comercial product)
98/11/20: The home page is now at http://voice.netpedia.net
98/10/??: "Officially" started the VoiceControl project